Mulch-Core Memory Coherence with bandwidth over latency is the main funda of CELL BROADBAND ENGINE ARCHITECTURE .It was introduced by Sony, Sony Computer Entertainment, Toshiba and IBM (STI) only for Network field, but now a days we find it in our very own Sony PS3 or pPlaystation 3.
Broadband Engine was first introduces with a vast 1 Tera- Flops power capacity within 90 nm Silicon on insulator process. Today's PlayStation 3 maintain 45 nm Cell processor architecture.It is as like 40 times faster than PlayStation 2.
In the PS3's Cell processor, there is one central core (the "Power Processing Element") while there are eight functional "synergistic processing elements". The Cell Broadband Engine is good at less generalized tasks than an X86 processor is but it is even worse at generalized tasks.
with the power of two-way simultaneous mulch-threaded main processor called the Power Processing Element (PPE) ,eight fully functional co-processors called the Synergistic Processing Elements(SPE) and a specialized high-bandwidth circular data bus
Some interesting features as fallow.........
analysis of a broad range of workloads with cryptography.
Graphical performance enhancement with lightning technology.
fast-Fourier transforms (FFT).
OH yes......LINUX is here.IBM introduce and distributed the source code to support the hardware facility of CBE microprocessor with LINUX flavour.Not only that ,Sony Group also introduce gcc(GNU Compiler Collection) and binutils for the SPU.The IBM Full System Simulator executable provides a rich set of capabilities for architecture simulation of the CBE microprocessor.Thread abstraction model on “Linux for CBEA" also can useble with the CBE SPE Management Library technology.
It is not only using in Sony's PLAYSTATION®3 but it already uses in Toshiba’s Cell Reference Set, a development tool for Cell products, and already is included in the IBM BladeCenter® QS20, or “Cell Blade,” as well as through joint collaboration with Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.It is also used as Video processing card, Supercomputing ,cluster computing, streem processing and distributing computing technology.
Broadband Engine was first introduces with a vast 1 Tera- Flops power capacity within 90 nm Silicon on insulator process. Today's PlayStation 3 maintain 45 nm Cell processor architecture.It is as like 40 times faster than PlayStation 2.
In the PS3's Cell processor, there is one central core (the "Power Processing Element") while there are eight functional "synergistic processing elements". The Cell Broadband Engine is good at less generalized tasks than an X86 processor is but it is even worse at generalized tasks.
with the power of two-way simultaneous mulch-threaded main processor called the Power Processing Element (PPE) ,eight fully functional co-processors called the Synergistic Processing Elements(SPE) and a specialized high-bandwidth circular data bus
Some interesting features as fallow.........
analysis of a broad range of workloads with cryptography.
Graphical performance enhancement with lightning technology.
fast-Fourier transforms (FFT).
OH yes......LINUX is here.IBM introduce and distributed the source code to support the hardware facility of CBE microprocessor with LINUX flavour.Not only that ,Sony Group also introduce gcc(GNU Compiler Collection) and binutils for the SPU.The IBM Full System Simulator executable provides a rich set of capabilities for architecture simulation of the CBE microprocessor.Thread abstraction model on “Linux for CBEA" also can useble with the CBE SPE Management Library technology.
It is not only using in Sony's PLAYSTATION®3 but it already uses in Toshiba’s Cell Reference Set, a development tool for Cell products, and already is included in the IBM BladeCenter® QS20, or “Cell Blade,” as well as through joint collaboration with Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.It is also used as Video processing card, Supercomputing ,cluster computing, streem processing and distributing computing technology.