Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hey Hacker Break it

So frnd I am here with a little tips on password.How can u make your website,email or other online account password more strong ?

1) NEVER and NEVER use your name,your parants name or so famous family member name as your online account password.

2) Use different password for different website/account.

3) Use 2 or more spacial character in password.

4) minimum 8 character is good but not enough.

5) Upercase and lowercase combination. It is good and use as u wish.

6) dont use your ph no.,address, famous personality name,Dob, or place.

So now a example for you. I think it would help u all. Thank you.

"I am A black Eyed short Hight man." --Character
2876 --  some number
$* -- Special character
Now I add it and my password is

2876$*IaAbEsHm or so on. Now it is your playtime.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Top 10 Super Computer of World

HELLO FRIENDS. How r you ? After a long time I am back with a cool info. I think you may be know better but I am really want to share it.

Top 10 Super Computer of World (As per Top500 Project)

1. Titan (Oak Ridge National Laboratory )

2. IBM Sequoia (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory )

3. Fujitsu-K (RIKEN )

4. IBM's Mira (Argonne National Laboratory )

5. JUQUEEN ( Forschungszentrum Jülich )

6. IBM Super MUC ( Leibniz-Rechenzentrum )

7. Stampede (Texas Advanced Computing Center )

8.Tianne-1A (National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin , Chaina )

9. Fermi ( CINECA , Italy )

10. DARPA Trial Subset ( IBM Development Engineering )